
5 Ways To Improve My Home’s Heating Efficiency

We are in the age of technology where life has been made significantly easier with the existence of several innovations. Thus, smart technology making everything easier has resulted in humans living our lives more efficiently and we are totally on board with that. 

This, of course, is why lack of heating efficiency in any home today is not something to be encouraged because there are so many technological innovations around these days to put that into effect. When you improve the heating efficiency of your home, you can easily save money and live a lot more comfortably. 

Unfortunately, a lot of house owners don’t enjoy this because they don’t even know where to begin and this is why this article exists. Here, we will try to point out some ways for you to improve the heating efficiency of your home.

1. Installing solar panels

Solar panels are quite common these days as they have become one of the popular ways to heat water and also generate electricity for houses even though they are not that cheap. However, this is understandable because they have so many advantages. For starters, they save you money on energy bills (in the long term) and facilitate lower usage of fossil fuel. In addition, they help you to be qualified for annual tax incentives. Usually, you install a solar panel on the roof and reduce your electricity costs through the generation of energy independent of your utility company. No doubt, solar panels help to improve home heating efficiency.

2. Installing energy-efficient windows and doors

You might have heard about energy-efficient windows and doors before so much won’t be said about them. However, those windows and doors can also be extremely helpful as far as improving the heating efficiency of your is concerned. Although a lot of individuals tend to go for wood doors due to aesthetics and style, fibreglass and insulated steel tend to make the best energy-efficient windows and doors. Therefore, always take note of this.

3. Installing a storm door

Another way to increase the heating efficiency of your home is by using a storm door. Storm doors can be very helpful in this regard even if you already have energy-efficient windows and doors. When you install it, it will give an extra layer of protection to your home from the weather throughout the year. Typically, a storm door has low-emissivity glass protective coating which helps to reduce the loss of energy.

4. Sealing air leaks

It is very possible for air from within your home to escape through the little openings around your doors’ perimeter. What these leaks cause it to force your heating and cooling system into overdrive so as to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Therefore, in order to prevent this loss of energy, try sealing the air leaks by applying weatherstripping around the exterior doors.

5. Unplugging unused chargers

As minor as this may sound, it is actually helpful in improving the heating efficiency of a house. Chargers consume a lot of energy even when they are not being used provided they are plugged in. Therefore, never hesitate to unplug them whenever you are not using them.

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