How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Windows?

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Windows?

Your windows plat a variety of different roles when it comes to keeping you comfortable at home. They brighten up your living space. By allowing natural light in, they provide fresh air when opened, they help keep the cold out in the winter and the warmth out in the summer, they help block outside noise, and they provide you a view of what’s going in in the neighbourhood. Even with all of this responsibility, when was the last time you showed your windows some attention. It’s important to inspect your windows at least a couple of times a year, by doing this you will be able to spot any potential issues early and perhaps avoid replacing any windows unexpectedly. 

Here is how to tell if you need new windows:

Check for Drafts

If your windows are allowing air to pass through, this is an obvious sign that they are not sealed properly or were never installed correctly. As air passes from around the outside of your window it allows cold air to enter your home and warm air to escape during the winter months, and allows for warm air to enter and cold air to escape during the summer months. This air exchange works against what you are trying to accomplish by heating your home in the winter or cooling your home in the summer. Because of these drafts, your HVAC system needs to work harder to maintain your desired in-home temperature, causing additional wear and tear on your system and increasing your energy bills.

Look for Visible Damage

When we say visible damage, we are not talking about a broken or cracked window, because this should be an automatic indicator that a window replacement is required. The damage we are referring to here includes rotting wood frames, cracks in the frames, water leaking around the windows, or light shining through the window frame and the wall. This type of damage will not only cause your windows to be less energy efficient, but they can lead to additional water damage and mold growth.

Smooth Operation

Opening and closing your windows should be an easy and smooth process. It doesn’t matter if your windows have a crank, if they slide or if they are on a hinge, you shouldn’t require more than just a little force to open and close your windows. If you are finding it difficult to open or close your windows this can mean that your frames are distorted or warped. This can be due to several reasons, such as prolonged sun exposure or even a shift in your home’s foundation. 


Condensation on the inside or even the outside of your windows can be expected from time to time. This is due to moisture-rich warm air coming into contact with the cooler window pane and depositing some of that moisture in the form of condensation on the glass. This process mostly occurs in the winter or summer when the air inside your house is a drastically different temperature than the outside. There is no need to worry in this scenario, just make sure to clean up the condensation, don’t let it sit as it could damage your frames or walls. Condensation should be a concern when it is found in between your window panes. The space between your double or triple pane windows is sealed airtight and perhaps filled with Argon or Krypton gas. If there is condensation between your panes, that means there is a small hole or crack in the seal and the gas has escaped leaving your window drastically less energy efficient than it was built to be. In these cases, a replacement is your best bet.

Your windows take on a lot during their life span, showing them a little care with a bi-annual inspection that includes some maintenance and cleaning will help ensure that your windows last for a long time. 

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