What Is The Best Way To Keep A Basement Dry?

What Is The Best Way To Keep A Basement Dry?

If you have ever dealt with a flooded basement, I am sure that you understand the pain, time, and dollars involved in resolving the problem. Not only can it be financially strenuous but it can also be very time consuming and can potentially cause long-lasting damages. Here are some strategies to keep water out of your basement:

1. Internally waterproof your basement

This process involved protecting the inside of your basement from external water coming in. The process is quite a labor-intensive as it involves breaking down all drywalls and framing, installing a membrane on the foundation wall itself, and breaking the floor to put in a weeping tile around the perimeter of the basement. The weeping tile is topped off with gravel that serves as a filter. The water then goes in the weeping tile and straight to a sump pump that discharges excess water outside. The membrane that is installed behind the drywall and onto the foundation prevents any water from going inside the property. 

2. Ensure you have a properly working backwater valve. 

Another way to keep your basement dry is to install a backwater valve. If the main drain pipe in the house that connects to the municipal drain gets clogged, the backwater valve will ensure that the sewage does not back up into the basement. A backwater valve is usually installed alongside a sump pit and a pump. A backwater valve essentially is a one-way valve that’s installed in the main sewer line below the basement to ensure that water doesn’t back up into your house. 

3. Externally waterproof your basement

Depending on the property, a basement can be waterproofed, internally, externally, or both. External waterproofing is the most common way of protecting your basement from floods and depending on the size of your house the price can vary and it can get costly, especially if you have a full depth basement. Some homeowners prefer exterior basement waterproofing because it does not interrupt the usage of the basement. 

4. Fix your foundation crack

If you see any moisture alongside your foundation wall, it is imperative that you get those fixed immediately. If you are not in a position to waterproof your basement, sealing the cracks in the foundation is a good immediate fix, however, it is highly recommended that you address the root cause of the issue and not put a bandage solution.

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