How do I know if my windows need to be replaced?

How do I know if my windows need to be replaced?

One of the most common questions among our clients is how to tell you to need window replacement. And you should know the answer to this question depends on your home’s particularities. For example, age, material, and frequency of use are important factors that can indicate how long your windows will last. Our experts shared next some tips and tricks to determine when it’s time to consider window replacement!

How do I know my windows need replacing?

Even if you have installed qualitative windows, they won’t last forever. On average, windows will last between 15 to 20 years, depending on the materials used in their design. But numerous factors can interfere with this. So, there is a time in a homeowner’s life when windows are beyond repair and window replacement is more than necessary.

#1 Windows are worn out

If there are visible signs of warping or rot on your windows, you shouldn’t think twice about the necessity of window replacement. This tells you that your windows are no longer capable of insulating your home. But at the same time, it can pose a safety risk for your family.

#2 Energy bills get higher and higher

Old or malfunctioning windows can take a toll on your home’s insulation. And this results in higher costs for your energy bills. So, if heat escapes your home, the more challenging it will be for your heating system to compensate. If you’re suspecting your windows need replacement, make sure you discuss them with a professional windows replacement contractor. He can determine the best solution for your home so that you won’t waste energy.

#3 Windows are impossible to close and open

Suppose you’re asking yourself, how do I know if my windows need replacing? You should assess the ease of operation for your windows. If they are difficult to close and open, it is perfect to think about window replacement. Windows represent a key element of any home, so they need to be fully functional at all times. They can turn out to be an essential escape route in case of emergency!

#4 Your house is noisy

No matter if you live in a noisy neighborhood or not, your windows should soundproof your house. So, if you notice there is a lot of noise coming inside, you should seriously consider window replacement. New windows are designed with a focus on the best insulation and noise reduction properties.

#5 Your house is drafty

Drafts can make your home uncomfortable to live in no matter the season we’re in. So, another telltale sign you need new windows is a drafty interior. Drafts can happen due to numerous reasons, including a faulty mechanism.

The bottom line

This is how to tell if you need to replace your windows. It is always best to discuss with an experienced windows contractor for additional information on the best solution for your property. Window replacement can bring numerous benefits, so you shouldn’t have second thoughts about it.